3 Questions To Ask Yourself When You're Not Getting Results

bossbabe business champion coaching entrepreneur fitness leadership mindset success Nov 19, 2018

If you're spinning your wheels and not making any traction, come back to the drawing board.

Ask yourself these 3 questions:

1) Are my goals CLEARLY defined?  

2) What is the timeline that I set to achieve those goals?

3) How am I allocating my time to work on the things that lead up to that big goal?


Ready to take a closer look and break these down one at a time?  Here we go with some Critical Coaching Concepts:

1)  The Importance Of Having Clearly Defined Goals. 

Hazy target-hazy results.  BE SPECIFIC.  State EXACTLY what it is that you want, how much money you want to earn each month, what you want your body to look like or perform like, the quality of the relationships you want in your life...whatever your goal is, STATE IT CLEARLY. 

2)  The Importance Of Operating On A Timeline. 

Oftentimes, we give away our power (especially on our PERSONAL GOALS) by remaining non-committal to setting a date for completion.

Just like in the professional arena, putting a timeline into place is part of the strategy for progression.  It helps you learn how to establish projections and also gives you a tangible means of tracking your progress-kind of like a checklist of where you're going, and what you've accomplished so far. 

3)  The Importance Of Holding Time In High Regard

Time is our most precious commodity; it's the only thing you can never get back.  When it comes to time-time management, time allocation and how you honor your timeline, your discipline and accountability sharpens-and it holds true for "big goals" as well as how you Run Your 24.  You cannot expect people who do not respect their own time to respect yours. You've got to be the change agent, and hold yourself to your commitments.       


Right now, set a timeline for completing a task or a goal.  OMGOSH-Get ready...Now COMMIT to it (no!  not the "C" word!).

When you hit the ceiling and cannot seem to break through...

When you keep spinning your wheels and cannot get any traction...

When "that project" or "the thing" is a giant tangled mess and you don't even know where to begin...

When you've lost focus, momentum and energy-and have stopped making progress...

That's when you call for Organizational Leadership Coaching.

In as little as 90 minutes, we move your mind from a state of chaos and overwhelm to clear, organized and focused.

All Coaching Sessions are confidential and are conducted via telephone. 

Times for Coaching Sessions are available Sun-Sat and as early as 4 AM (EST).

CLICK HERE to contact us, and either Nichole or someone from her team will call you within 24 hours. 

Looking forward to getting you rollin'!

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