An Ode To Our Entrepreneurs

bossbabe business champion coaching entrepreneur leadership lifecoach lifestyle success Aug 20, 2018

It takes a special kind of weirdo to start their own business.

And it takes a different type of animal to STAY in business.

And by animal, I mean one. tough. mother. 

One whose able to dial down and be led by their primal instincts to survive.

One who’s looked at by other people oftentimes as bipolar, because on any given day-especially during the first few years, you can have sudden mood shifts from, “Heck YEAH!  This is awesome!” to “Omgosh-I’m going bankrupt!  I suck!”

One who’s able to survive extended periods of time alone:

Literally- Like Rapunzel locked away in the tower working on her craft and

Figuratively- Because the mindset of a serious entrepreneur is so vast, multidimensional, agile and high-performing that it’s hard to relate to people who don’t move that quickly.  (And let’s face it-most people cannot keep up with us, because the number of thoughts we have, projects we’re working on in 1 day surpass what most people do in one month.)

Entrepreneurship brings out the best and worst of you. 

You ride this crazy rollercoaster through a jungle, where you’ve got branches and vines beating you in the face as you zip by.

And when you get off of that ride, you trek through landmine-filled areas with things exploding to the left and right of you, covering you with shrapnel and debris; pausing only for a brief moment to allow the dust to settle before you begin walking again. 

You’re like Rambo in the jungle-hot, sweaty, dirty, scarred, bruised and bleeding-but solidly moving forward with your warpaint and bandana.

You Are A Warrior. 

And you are not alone.  

We all have our own businesses, our own hopes and our own dreams.  

Every one of us passes through the dimensions of growing WITH the business.

How to hire and fire.

How to build teams.

How to become and remain profitable.

How to scale.  

How to make executive decisions.

How to keep the riff-raff out of your enterprise.

How to become the PERSON who is trustworthy and responsible enough to handle the enterprise you are aspiring to build.

Wanna know something?  None of us have it all figured out. 

Just when you think that you do-WHAM! 

Here comes another branch slapping you in the face.  

Something that was seemingly a negligible issue has now escalated into a major ordeal, something you thought was communicated solidly was NOT.

The deal fell through.

The weather didn’t cooperate.

And then there’s family responsibilities and your short, there's always going to be something to deal with, something to handle, something to test your patience.  

Remember to come up for air every once and awhile. 

Breathe in all that you’ve accomplished, how you HAVE grown and how different your life is from when you first started. 

 It’s ok to celebrate your victories and smile.

It’s ok to give yourself a pat on the back every once in a while for a job well done.  

And it's ok to extend to yourself the same grace and mercy you give to others.

You've come a long way, baby; and you've impacted more lives than you'll ever know! 

Keep up the great work!

With Much Love and Well Wishes for Your Continued Success, 

Nicki and The Transformation Gold Coaching Staff




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