To All Of My Women Who Had To Fight To Survive...

Jun 21, 2019

To all of my Ladies who have been through the $#!+...

My single MaMas, my Ladies who have been abused, battered and broken...

To all of my Girls who have led with heart, and had theirs trampled on...

To all of my Women who have been held down, mistreated, and manipulated...

I see you.

I don’t know the half of what you’ve been through-but I see you.  You survived the storms and have MADE IT HERE.

The woman you had to be to get here is one woman I’d never wanna fuck with, and she lives in you.

She didn’t just shoulder storms, she outright FOUGHT tooth and nail-and now bears the battle scars.

You know first hand  “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

You’re a BADA$$ with a heart of gold.

A Champion.  A fucking WARRIOR.

The proof is in the pudding-if you survived that shit, there’s literally NOTHING you cannot do.

But if I may appeal to your Higher Side and ask you-where do you want to go from here?

What kind of life do you want for yourself and your family with this next Season?

Would you like one marked with love?  With kindness?  With gentleness?

One where you don’t have to don your suit of armor 24/7 and can let your softer side shine through?

Exhale the tension out, Girl.  Let your guard down for a moment.  You’re safe here.

I know it may seem impossible from where you’re standing now.  I know you’ve been hurt and feel like damaged goods.

But you’re HERE now.  Our job is to move you forward and Design A Brand New Life.

One that is richer in every way.  One that is marked with beauty.  One that is filled with people who infuse you.  People you can trust, people who have your best interest at heart.  People who step up and stand in for you.

They say Every Next Level Requires A Different Version Of You.

And with this next go around, we’ve got a little work to do.  PREPATORY work, if you will.  A shaving off of the crust and salt that built up while you were fighting for your survival.

What I mean is that if, for your next Season you’d like to be able to be a little softer; have kinder, richer, gentler relationships AND continue to grow-you’ve got to get down to the root of who you are and BE that woman.

There’s an important distinction for us to make:

There is a difference between being a Strong Woman, and a Woman Of Strength.

One leads with a hard shell, the other with Love.

One has an undercurrent of bitterness and anger, the other peace.

One listens to respond, the other to understand.

One has to have the last word, the other speaks with kindness and wisdom.

One helps you to merely survive, the other to thrive.

One flows with the culture/group, the other is rooted in God’s Word, stands amidst storms and is secure in her footing.

One steps to Dominate her man, the other is discerning in choosing a man she can trust to lead her.

I set out YEARS ago to find a role model for today’s woman.  One who works outside of the home, one who is smart and savvy, one who has goals AND a family.  Mostly, one who (to me) is the epitome of a woman I would aspire to be-inside and out.

Low and behold, there is one known as The Proverbs 31 Woman.  This girl’s got it going on!  She runs her own business, is a real estate investor, takes care of her family, and is known for speaking words of wisdom and kindness.

I invite you to do a little research and learn more about her.

A Woman Of Strength is based on the Proverbs 31 Woman.

And while she can be a ridiculous standard to aspire to, the purpose of having a role model isn’t about being Polly Perfect or fronting that everything is ok and walking around with a perma-grin on.

The purpose of a role model is give you guidance in how to calibrate your day to day operating system in how to LIVE.  Someone who LIVES the qualities and the value system they talk about.  Someone who inspires you to rise and continue to grow as a woman. 

The one thing that stands out about the Proverbs 31 Woman is that she is intentional and selective. 

She chooses how she wants to be and adjusts accordingly.  This is doing her own healing and internal work, and seeking out people who have done theirs.

This is her leaning into God to teach her, lead her, and guide her, and trusting that when she operates in that Light, the wrong people will fall away.  She will be encircled with the right people who are true to the core, hold themselves to the same standards and have her best interest at heart.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but I promise-from personal experience it is true.  Stay close to God.  Let Him take the lead and fight your battles.  He will show up EVERY TIME in ways you cannot even imagine, and grant you a space to stay in your light and operate with grace under pressure.

He’s got you, and I got you, too.  Much love to you, Girl. 💗


Your Coach 

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