Aligning With Your Purpose

Oct 13, 2019

Have you ever wondered what your Purpose is and how to align with it? 

I firmly believe that we’re here for a Purpose, that your Gifts are God-given and when you Operate In Your Gifts you align with your Purpose.

I also believe that you’re not supposed to question God.

So however He designed you, He DID it on Purpose. 

Everyone’s cut from a different cloth.

Everyone has a different personality, different strengths, different motivations, and different talents.

That means that some People’s Purpose is more locally based, and others’ perhaps worldwide.  


Most of us don't suddenly wake up one day and start walking in our Purpose as a finished product.  Oftentimes we walk a path and need some guidance and refining along the way, because it's easy to get off track with your true intended Purpose and the Purity of It.  As you maximize your gifts it's easy to get caught up in self-promotion or idolatry and place yourself at the helm for taking credit for everything you accomplish as you walk in your Purpose.    This is a hidden benefit of Life's Storms.   

I believe that Storms In Life exist for one reason:  To motivate you to follow God and ultimately pull you closer to Him so that He gets the Glory for everything you do.

Not because He wants a frickin posse, but because He works IN you and THROUGH you to impact others.  It’s like the “Level Up” Version of walking in your Purpose.

But in order for you to fully express that Purpose to its Highest and Greatest Level, we must walk paths which take us through Storms. 

Storms act as an Awakening.  

And whether you’re moving through them because of poor decisions, passivity or the unavoidables that come along with life such as death of a loved one-there’ll be times when Storms seem unrelenting.

Times when you WILL question God.  Times when you're going along, doing all the right things and out of nowhere comes another storm.  

The key here again-is related to Purpose.

Here’s a major distinction which I believe has gotten lost in translation:  Suffering is PART of being human, but it is NOT God’s Call On Your Life.

And I personally don’t believe that viewing your situation from a Vantage Pointe of martyrdom is part of The Call, either.

Whatever you’re walking through is part of your Sharpening Season.  It dovetails into your Purpose.  

Speaking from Personal Experience, when you’re in the thick of it-there'll be times when things don't make a whole lot of sense, and you can’t see the forest through the trees.

And during those times, it takes everything in you to keep it all together and remember that Everything is a Training Ground. 

The Storms are not your Final Destination.  They are TEMPORARY.  They may reflect a SEASON, or occur in the midst of a Transition Pointe that takes MUCH longer than you anticipated. 

Storms don't always come to destroy; they come to cleanse and make way for New Growth. 

What you’ve learned during a Storm and how you’ll apply it will only make sense When God Pulls Back The Curtain to reveal your Next Mission.  (Kinda like how Mr. Miyagi taught Dan-yal-son in Karate Kid.  The whole time He was fussing about painting the fence "up, down; up, down" buffing the car "wax on/wax off"...He was being taught fundamental skills)

If God is quiet right now, it’s because you’re the Student!  

So fall in line, yo...

Your storm may not be dissipating, or you may not be exerting the level of Impact you desire to have, because you're still in training. 

One thing is certain:  God will NEVER send an unprepared soldier to the Mission Ground.  

HE will tell YOU (lol) exactly when your Training is finished, what it is that you’re supposed to do, and where it is you’re supposed to go.  His Voice is always CLEAR, it can always be trusted, and you’ll never have to question it. 

Trust that your Storm is TEMPORARY and wait with eager and earnest anticipation on how you’ll get the chance to be used as an Instrument.

Stay Prayed Up And Ask For Wisdom, Receptivity, Discernment And Direction.

Happy Sunday, Everyone 😘

Purpose/Mission Driven Coaching in our Academy is the 6th Area Of Your Life We Coach On.  It may not be for everyone, and is most effective when 3 tenets are accepted and held as Truth:

1) God exists
2) He has a call on your Life
3) What is written in the Bible is True, and that it is God’s Instruction Book For Life

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