Be The Change You Wish To See

Apr 19, 2019

BE The Change.

That means you are to BECOME the person who ALREADY HAS what you want BEFORE you actually have it.  BEFORE you or anyone else sees results. 

That means you must make all decisions as THAT person would make. 

It sounds completely ridiculous, right?  We're with ya...especially because you haven’t attained it yet, and do not have the knowledge, experience or wisdom yet.

But Guess What?

Assuming this position is how you grow—QUICKLY. 

This is how you IMMEDIATELY jump into a higher state of maturity, and action.

This is how you move from impulsivity and self-centeredness into decisiveness, outward thinking and delayed gratification.

Before you can HAVE what you want, you must BECOME a different version of yourself and then DO the work requisite of that that role, responsibility or goal. 

Be.  Do.  Have.  In that order. 💚

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