Boost Your Productivity With A Challenge

Apr 15, 2019

PRODUCTIVITY comes from the word PRODUCTIVE.  


achieving or producing a significant amount or result.

The keyword is PRODUCTIVE-not busy.

PRODUCTIVE not passive.

Productivity is something you can't front-because productivity yields results-either in the form of goal attainment or notable progress.

This probably isn't the first time you've ever read an article on how to boost your productivity.  We enter our Coaching Relationships with the disclaimer that COMMITMENT TO IMPROVEMENT is the spirit with which we work together.  That's the reason why our Peeps get such  massive results-THEY'RE COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THEMSELVES.  

Is that you?

Cool-then let's get you movin in the right direction.

You're here, because you're searching for answers on how to become more effective, gain greater traction, and achieve RESULTS, right?

OK-Here's what you need to know:  Everyone learns differently. 

Some of us need to SEE something to "get it." 

Some of us need to HEAR something for us to "get it."  

We understand that, and we gotcha covered with all that.  Obv, a blog post is for our "readers."  

We've been coaching and training people a long time, and what we've learned is that there can also be a huge disconnect in how you APPLY and EXECUTE on our tactics and strategies. 

Sometimes it takes hearing something a different way for it to resonate with you. 

We've found that some people do better when there's a challenge involved.  Something that stirs the competitive spirit in them and assists in redirecting their focus in a fun and positive way.

 One of those ways is to focus on minimizing 3 Specific Periods of Time:

     1) Time Period Between Idea Inception And Execution (How long it takes you to actually move your A$$ after you get an idea)

     2) Time Period of Adaptation (How long it takes you to "get used" to something)

     3) Time Period Between When You Get Results/Get Paid (obviously it's easiest to note when there are objective numbers or measurable metrics here, but it's not always possible, warranted or desired)

These are all very similar, but again, everyone "wraps their mind" around things differently.

Choose the one that resonates with you the most, and set your challenge to minimize those times.  

PRO TIP:  The common denominator between these is DECISIVENESS AND MASSIVE ACTION. ๐Ÿ†

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