Client Testimonial

lifecoach lifestyle success transformation women of strength Aug 19, 2018

Dear Nicki,

This program was worth every penny I spent.  Thanks to you I now have a healthy lifestyle.  When I started the program I was just looking for a diet to move numbers on a scale.  You showed me I could be so much more.  You are truly God sent.

Thank you for believing in me when I did not believe in myself.  You have changed my world view on what I say, think and eat.  I am glad I took the leap of faith to trust you.  You showed me how to let go of wanting to be in control. Even when I was having a negative week, you made me feel happier especially with your contagious smile.  If someone looked at your pictures of you ripped online, they might be intimidated but the “gold” in Transformation Gold comes from your big heart.  No, not cardiomegaly, but how much support and kindness you bring to the program.

One would have to be heartless to not become attached to you.

You are a great listener throughout but especially through the lengthy task of dumping the left side of my brain.  I looked back at all the goals I set, and my eyes were opened as to how much progress I made on my lifestyle skills.

I started the program having a negative self worth and through this program I know I Am Worthy.  I will forever be grateful for you.

Many thanks, Kristine

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