Embrace The Wonder Of New Beginnings

Apr 19, 2019

Have you ever sat down and thought about how frickin AWESOME New Beginnings are?

It's like having a giant chalkboard you can write on with white chalk or pretty pastels.

You can erase old work, you can invite other people up to your chalkboard, and you can even use that really cool soft eraser that takes all the dust off to get it ready for Open House.

Sure, being "called up to the chalkboard" may have at one time been SCARY, but this time is DIFFERENT.

You're not "showing your work" with long math-YOU'RE in charge, YOU get to decide what goes on there. 

And if it doesn't look how you want it to-ERASE IT AND START OVER! 

Embrace The Wonder Of New Beginnings. It's Day 1 or One Day...You Decide. 

Make it a great day, Fam! 💛

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