Excellence Is Never An Accident
Jul 23, 2018People who pursue excellence are cut from a different cloth.
Their work ethic is second to none, and they are intentional about everything they do along the way.
Nothing is left to chance, playing an odds ratio or "luck."
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is planned and practiced, and reworked and re practiced over and over and over...
And over and over and over...
And over and over while everyone else is hanging out with their friends, drinking, partying and even sleeping.
The underlying thread of someone who pursues excellence is an obsession not just to win-but to BE the BEST. .
Everyone is capable, but not all are willing to do what it actually takes: VISION, DISCIPLINE, and GRIT.
Excellence starts with you. It starts with who you must BECOME in order to DO what's required to HAVE excellence.
Welcome to your Come Up. 🏆
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