Focus On What You WANT

Feb 15, 2019

There’s a mental switch you must deliberately make when you’re looking to go Next Level.

And that is developing LASER-LIKE FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT.

Many times, our wanting to change or progress is accompanied by recognizing something that we DON’T want- I don’t want this fat on my body, I don’t want to be unhappy, I don’t want to have more month than money, I don’t want to _____.

Those “I don’t want” realizations are important, bc they show you’re upgrading your standards.

But once you’ve established what you DON’T want, it’s your responsibility to do a mental pivot turn and identify exactly what it is that you DO want.

Stating what you DO want is your setting a target to hit. That’s where you aim all of your efforts, Energy and resources.

Believe it or not-dwelling on, complaining about, or obsessively thinking about what you DON’T want keeps it around longer.

Focusing on what you DO want creates DESIRE.

Focusing on what you DO want creates passion.

Focusing on what you DO want draws you in and keeps you engaged LONG after the newness wears off, and pushes you straight through any obstacles and on to VICTORY.

The more you focus on what you DO want, the more selective, attentive and disciplined you become-to get what you want AND KEEP IT. 🏆

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