Follow The Light

Sep 29, 2019

I don’t think any of us realize how negative we are, the people around us are, the stuff we see on social/TV is, until you have what I call your “Anvil on the head” Moment

It’s that moment when you’re as they say:  sick & tired of being sick & tired, and you just wanna lock yourself away from everyone and everything and be in your peace. 

Here’s what you need to know:

There’s 2 things which drive human behavior. 

One is the pursuit of pleasure, the other is

The avoidance of pain. 

It is true that removing negative influences and associations has a marked effect on your well-being. 

But your mind, attitude and disposition is like a sponge.  The only thing you can squeeze out of it is what you put into it. 

You can do all sorts of things to avoid negativity, but for true Transformation to occur, you must infuse it with Positivity and Light. 

Note: Infuse is a VERB, which means taking deliberate ACTION, rather than engaging in behaviors of escapism/avoidance. 

We did an AWESOME Podcast on this today-CHOCK FULL of the teachings, coachings, tactics and strategies to assist you in your Personal Transformation from feeling like the life has been sucked out of you into a life of joy and fulfillment. 

CLICK HERE FOR THE PODCAST, or search Transformation Gold Podcast on iTunes, Anchorfm, Google Podcasts/Music. Episode 105:  Follow The Light 💡 

Stay Prayed Up And Happy Sunday To You!

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