Follow What Your Soul Needs

Dec 11, 2018

As High-Level Producers, we focus a lot on discipline and staying the line to get RESULTS.

No one has to motivate us; no one has to follow up on us; and certainly no one has to tell us what to do.  We are a unique breed, oftentimes the lifeblood of an organization.

We work weekends, holidays and birthdays.  We go in early, we stay late; we work from home and in our cars (or any place we can get a cell phone or WI-FI signal).   

Truth be told, we honestly do like to work-but you cannot lie to yourself.

There are things that as PEOPLE we need such as connection, love and newness/uncertainty.  At the risk of sounding completely crunchy and granola-esque; there's things our SOULS need which give us a great sense of fulfillment and purpose-outside of what we could ever receive via our work accomplishments.

But how do you start?  WHEN do you start?

In writing an article, I do not have the answer for you and your unique situation.

I do, however; have wisdom and a willingness to speak truth over your situation with clarity.    

You’ve got to be able to step out and go after these things, too.

You don’t need to explain yourself-you don’t always need it to make sense-that's the deception of cerebral thinking.

Cerebral thinking keeps you very task oriented, excellent at managing the bottom line, and keeping all your ducks in a row.  It's a hard driver and once it's coupled with a little dopamine hit from getting results and/or recognition-it becomes addictive AND part of your identity.

It's not until you reach a point of critical mass that you realize how disjointed things are, and that you've gotten used to sacrificing yourself for the greater gain.  I call this your "Houston, we have a problem," Moment.

It's not unique to you, it's not a figment of your imagination, and it certainly doesn't imply weakness.  

It's simply RECOGNITION that your current path no longer serves you.  That's it.

No cheering crowds.  No fanfare. No running through the office flippin everyone off (even though you may want to!  lol) and zooming away to a secluded mountaintop cabin where you grow your hair out and refuse to put on pants ever again (even though you may want to!lol).  Admit laughed at that one!

I've got Good News for you; but it may come across as a bit...blunt.  It's the same news one of my former Nurse Managers told me when I was having anxiety over calling into work as an ER Nurse when I had 104 degree fever with shaking chills.

She said, "Nichole-Loyola will go on without you."

You know that look that dogs get when they hear a strange noise?  How they cock their head to one side and hardly blink? That was me when Brenda told me that.

Guess what?  It's your turn.  Fill in your name and your agency:  "___________, __________ will go on without you."

Now say it out loud for the people in the back.

Feels shockingly good, doesn't it?  Like the entire weight of the world has been lifted off your shoulders?

See how easy that was?   (And this is just an article; imagine how much better it gets when you are coaching in your own personalized program!)

At the end of the day, you know your risk tolerance and that you always have a choice on the path you take.  Undoubtedly, you've got a tremendous amount of responsibilities, and may not be willing or in a position to take the "rip the band-aid off" approach to your situation (even though you may want to!).

I get it.  Before I took the plunge and left a 20 year career as a Registered Nurse with a fully-developed network, I played out every possible scenario of my next move.  I went back to school, I put my feelers out there and tried taking "baby steps."

That simply isn't me.  For me, slow progress is tedious and to a large extent more painful than full blown transition.

Whichever your path of progression is, if I may close out with one final thought- Tomorrow is never guaranteed.  Follow what your soul is seeking; you’ll never be disappointed.

If you are at a transition point, please contact me directly.  I do all of my own coaching, and have coached Professional Athletes, Commercial Airline Pilots, Entrepreneurs, C-Level Executives, State Senators, Fire Chiefs/Administrators, and Emergency Medical Personnel.  I would be honored to work with you.

The best way to contact me is via THIS LINK.

Looking forward to getting you light, tight and right for 2019. 

Your Coach,



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