Grace Under Pressure

Sep 14, 2017

Grace Under Pressure. 🌹

If only like happened in a vacuum and it were that easy, right?  Lol 

A large part of making change is not just deciding what you want, but who you want to BE. 

How do you want to show up in your relationships? 

What character qualities do you want radiating out of you-in good times and bad? 

Each of us has needs, and reasons for why we do the things that we do.

Sometimes we need to feel important.

Sometimes we need to have more consistency or more security to stabilize  the chaos.

On the flip side, there are other times, we need to spice up our days ESPECIALLY if things have gotten  monotonous or too routine.

When life gets stressful and we feel its effects, that's when it's harder to be graceful under pressure.

That's when it's easy to get overwhelmed and allow some less-than-graceful  behaviors override our values and the person we want to be. 

Relationships with others  can be hard.  Remember, other people have THEIR needs, and can act up when they're not met. 

So so what does one do? 

Before you're able to be effective in those relationships, you must first take command of yourself and DECIDE AHEAD OF TIME, how you want to conduct yourself.

You'll never get anywhere if you anchor your behavior in how others behave.

All behavior is learned, which is sweet; that means you can change yours! 
Like Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Grace Under Pressure.

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