Let's Talk Transformation...

bossbabe champion entrepreneur faith fitness leader lifestyle love mindset organizational leadership relationships success Aug 27, 2018

Take any literary figure-you know, the ones who were “bad seeds” and underwent a radical transformation:  Scrooge.  The Grinch.  Moses.  King David. 

Each of them could be said to have had “weeds” growing in their internal root system.  A miser.  A grinch.   A murderer.   An adulterer.   These people/characters were arguably some of the meanest, most vile of their time, and by many standards, a hopeless cause. 

The “weeds” had become a part of their identity.

Then what happened?

Each of them had their “weeds” pulled by the Great Farmer, and they had a massive change of heart.  Notice with each story that the “weeds” were not pulled BEFORE their wrong actions.

Interesting to think about, had the “weed” been removed prematurely, chances are the positive impact of that individual may never have been realized.  Did you catch that? 

Some of the greatest people to have ever lived had done some of the most unthinkable acts in their past; yet after their "weeds" were pulled, they went on to become men of great influence. 

The weeding process is an important part of what we call "Heart Work."  It's the next step after your "Houston, We Have A Problem." Moment.  

Whether you arrive at the conclusion on your own that you're in need of an upgrade, or God yanks you by the collar and calls you to a higher level, brace yourself for a wild ride! 

He'll be plucking those weeds out of your heart left and right; and will create in you a Clean Heart.   

Three things you should know:   

1)  No one is ever too lost for God to find. 

2)  No one is ever doomed to live with their "weeds" because of past mistakes, errors in judgment, or even flaws in character.  

3)  No one is beyond God's repair.  


God is a Master Craftsman, and He makes all things beautiful.  Part of your training is to learn to trust Him while he purifies you.  It's like nothing you've ever experienced on earth and is a completely different level of your development.  

The Good News is this:  Your purification process is designed for you, and you never have to worry about whether or not you 'll be up for the challenge. 

Hard as it may be to believe, God knows you better than you know yourself.  He always teaches you in the way you learn best, and speaks to you in the language you best understand.  His teachings and His words are always CLEAR.  As He reveals things to you, you will have many "a-ha" moments, but He will NEVER haunt you, taunt you or berate you with those revelations.  NEVER. 

God is a Good God, and He always wants what's best for you.   He loves you just as you are, but too much to let you stay that way.  

So as He comes along to "pluck those weeds," let go and Let God.  He knows what He's doing (and does not need your help! lolololol).  



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