Hold Strong

Mar 25, 2020

In more ways than one, Strength comes from your Core.

Training it is rarely pretty, as it requires immense focus to unlearn bad habits, overcome escape pathways, and drill down to hit the target muscle and whip it into shape.

It hurts.

You sweat.

You drop a lot of F bombs (cmon-I can’t be the only one! 😜)

And you shake like a mutha until you eventually collapse.

Whatever the test, whatever the challenge-no matter how scared you are, no matter how great the external pressure, holding strong is a decision you make on a daily, hourly, and even sometimes minute-to-minute basis.

Now more than ever, we need strong Leaders.

While you’re being challenged, there are a slew of beginners who are looking to you as their steadfast beacon of hope, strength and resiliency.

Get your Core right and tight and Hold Strong. 🖤

Love You All!

Your Coach,
#success #leadership #fitness #fitfam #inspiration #champion #goals #boss #bossbabe #business #yoga #core #heart #love #life #truth #transformation #faith

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