Entrepreneurs: Is Your Money Dialogue Hindering Your Success?

#businesswoman #finance #fitfam #lifestyle #money #nurse #relationshipgoals #success Sep 30, 2017

Dialogue with money?!?!

I don't know if you talk to your money or not, but now that the topic's on the table, what comes to mind when you think of having a dialogue with money?  Is it Scrooge sitting on the floor in piles of cash professing his love for it?  Or is it the rich guy peeking in on the money in his safe, and wishing it "Good Night"?

Not exactly what we're talking about here...but now that I have your attention, lemme ask you a question, "Is your dialogue with money hindering your success?"

What exactly IS a money dialogue, you ask?  We'll clarify money dialogue as your underlying belief about money, and your habits surrounding it.

Have you ever been told that "money is the root of all evil," references that money is dirty, or that rich people are greedy and full of themselves?

I can personally attest that this was the case with me.  Lemme tell ya, this dialogue is not only untrue, it is LETHAL to your success.

I grew up in a household where money was always in scarcity.  Our family surely hustled, (after all, we ran 3 businesses out of our house) and by the grace of God, we always had a roof over our head.

My Mom, bless her heart, used that scarcity as an opportunity to instill in us strong Catholic teachings, like "money is the root of all evil;" and "it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to get into heaven," and "it's better to give than it is to receive."

Somewhere along the way, I don't even know from where...the notion that "rich people are a-holes," and "dirty money," somehow entered that mental programming.

I went on my way, put myself through school by working as a waitress and a bartender, and used cash to pay for everything.  (Yes, I did take on student loans) I'm tellin ya, when it came time to graduate, I honestly never even considered the money which would come about from working as a nurse.  I never knew what the pay scale was, (although it HAD to be more than the tips I was receiving) and really didn't care.  I did it for the sheer desire to fix sick people, and because I was at that time, and still am madly passionate about the human body.

Back to the money dialogue...working as a nurse surely didn't improve my money beliefs.  Our culture is work until your dry, overwashed knuckles are bleeding, your bladder is bursting and your feet fall off, and your life force is leeched out of you all for an annual raise of less than 25 cents/hr.

I looked around at my peers, who had been doing this for years, and knew exactly what I DIDN'T want.  I absolutely DID NOT WANT to be that nurse who looked angry all the time, was frustrated with her station in life and spent all her time complaining about her annual raise.

To be fair, Nursing is truly a wonderful industry designed for a woman's changing life priorities.  It offers job stability, an honest wage, benefits, upward advancement, and mobility.  In terms of long-term goals and overall ROI (return on investment), it simply wasn't the path I wanted to remain on.

For me, there was no question that I wanted to build my own enterprise.

I cannot even begin to express the level of gratitude I have for the Nursing Industry.  My dearest friends are nurses, and I cannot imagine my life without them.  All of the MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES which have been extended to me through Nursing have led me to where I am and have molded me into the woman I am.

The biggest challenge to date in both my personal household and business (once I had a product I was absolutely in love with and proud to sell) was my dialogue with money.

As weird as it sounds, I was averse to making large amounts of money without working myself into the ground as a nurse, and while I am awesome at rocking a budget from earned money, that skewed money dialogue repelled money from streaming into my business.  It was as though money was a "hot potato," and I didn't want to be the one left holding it.

Some of it was a belief about deserving it, and some of it was "how can I charge high prices to people when I wasn't even paid this much to save people's lives?"

Both of those questions were easily answered with simple education.  In free enterprise, there is no price cap.  You can charge whatever the free market bears, as long as you bring VALUE.  The more value you bring to solving people's problems, the greater your value in the marketplace.

Fair enough. The outstanding kink in my entrepreneurial chain was the long-standing negative and deep-rooted beliefs about money being the root of all evil, etc.

These beliefs are obviously LETHAL to financial success, and they're also untrue.

I came to learn some really important things and break through the "dirty money" and "scarcity/poverty mindset" through coaches, mentors (one of whom is my younger brother Carl) and teachers of The Word.  It wasn't until I had proper money teaching that things started to change for the better, and instead of repelling money, I now attract it.

Here's a few things which helped me change that dialogue, and are now a staple in our coaching programs:

💵 Money is NEUTRAL, something that we've designated a value to.  It's THE LOVE of money, which is the root of all evil.

💵 Money doesn't make you an a-hole; money simply magnifies who you are.  Let's be honest...you don't have to have money to be an a-hole. 😂 .

💵 Lastly, we are commanded to be responsible STEWARDS of whatever God gives us.  Wealthy individuals practice sound financial habits and demonstrate that responsible stewardship.  Wealthy people are some of the kindest and most generous people; often giving ANONYMOUSLY.  They're very humble, and have passed through their meager beginnings and hardships staying committed to the LONG TERM GOAL.

Get right with your money talk.

Snipping that little cord will free you up to produce your results with a clear mind and an open heart. 💚


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