Lead Yourself First

Sep 24, 2019

There is a fundamental teaching principle we use with all Leadership Coaching and Training:  Lead Yourself First.

You Cannot Teach What You Don't Know, and You Cannot Lead where You Will Not Go.  

Leadership always starts with yourself. 

It's SELF-GOVERNANCE and holding yourself accountable to do what you committed to doing long after the feeling left you. 

To have the audacity and the strength to stand up and do what is right, even though it may be unpopular with the group.

It's the ability to deny short term pleasure for long term gain. 

It's remaining steadfast and focused to see your endeavor through to COMPLETION, and not cave to shiny objects of distraction, excuses or finger-pointing. 

It's assuming 100% responsibility for your current station, the choices you make and how you respond to the consequences or even the unexpected.

Focus on your own $#!+ and Lead Yourself First. .

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