Speak Life Over Your Future

Aug 03, 2019

It can be so easy to become frustrated with your current Station in Life, especially when you feel like things will never get better, or that you've made irreparable mistakes or that "everyone else" seems on the "up and up," and yet you are stuck in what may be affectionately described as your own personal "$#!+ show."

To this, you must Speak Life Over Your Future.

Now before I progress, there is a fundamental distinction for us to make.  There is a difference between Speaking Life Over Your Future, and the requisite need for Healing.  Just like you can't build a lighthouse on a foundation in need of repair and expect it to withstand storms; you can't expect yourself to maintain an authentically positive viewpoint when your "foundation" is cracked and in need of repair.  Capeesh?

That being said, when you are COMMITTED to moving forward, the one thing that will unequivocally help you is to assume 100% responsibility for your current station AND moving it forward.  Yes, people probably did you wrong, yes there were things that happened to you.  But as Your Coach, my job is to help you grow.  That means sometimes, I gotta say things that will inevitably push your buttons and make you uncomfortable-and here's why:

The things that push your buttons are simply things you haven't reconciled with yet.  More often than not, they're merely covering some of the areas of your heart and character where you require work. (which is a whole 'nother conversation onto itself.)

Now if you'll go back and re-read the previous two paragraphs, I'd like you to pay attention to the request.

The request is for you to step outside of your "feels" and Lead Yourself First.

What this boils down to is a matter of perspective and position.  I'm listing these out as bullet points first, and then we'll break them down...

#1: There are always storms in life, and you are always in proximity to one. You’re either headed towards one, you’re in one, or you’re moving out of one.  It’s a given. 

#2: You always have a choice.  You may not like the consequences for a particular choice-but you have a choice nonetheless.

#3: You are always in the Driver's Seat.  You always have a choice on how you're going to navigate a storm, and how you view your role in everything.  At the end of the day, you are always one decision away from a completely different life. (See #2)

Once you wrap your mind around those things-you IMMEDIATELY break yourself out of the whoa-is-me phase, or the “this is how it’s always going to be” way of thinking. 

But until that point, when you’re in the middle of a storm- it can seem like FOREVER before it subsides.

But even so-you have to have firm mental conviction that where you are is temporary.  And it's temporary because you're always in the Driver's Seat and always have a choice on how you're going to navigate the storm.

When we put it in that context, it makes total sense now, doesn't it?


So now when I say, "Speak Life Over Your Future," it's much more impactful, isn't it?

Do you see what we did there? What we had to do first, was get you to step back into your power (aka The Driver's Seat).  That mental move bumps you straight out of the passive, victim role where you feel like you have no control and will never move and into the executive decision making role.  Now, you're viewing things from a higher vantage point-even though your current situation may still suck! (It's ok-you can laugh! lol)

So you see, it's NOT your circumstances; it's who you are IN THE FACE of your circumstances that determines your outcome.  This is more than martyrdom or having the ability to withstand pain for long periods of time. 

This is your having the mental habits of a Champion to Triage Your Position and Position Yourself To Win.

This is your assuming full responsibility for the fact that somehow you contributed to where you are-be it by errors in judgment, flaws in character, or simply by not having the right information at the right time.

That's the recipe for success.  That's the "secret" to moving your station forward mentally, physically, financially, relationally, or spiritually.

You can feel the difference, right?

Like physically-you can feel the physical difference now, right?  And with that physical difference comes the power and the "how-to."  (You've already established some "how-to" steps in your mind, haven't you?)


Guess what?  That's called healing.  That's our leveling the ground to pour a fresh new foundation on which to build your lighthouse.  And that's how we get $#!+ done, my friend!

What you have just experienced is how we coach in this academy. 

We get you results faster than a New York Minute.  I offer Coaching and Consulting on the Individual, Group and Agency Level.  If you are committed to moving your station forward, contact us directly HERE.

Make It A Great Day, Champ!

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