Strong Roots Make The Strongest Trees

Apr 07, 2019

When you think of "Strong Roots" what comes to mind? 

Is it literal-like roots on a tree? 

Or is it figurative like Family? 

Or maybe you're thinking the weeds in your garden with a ridiculous root system, or the color tone of your greys that need a touch-up 🤣

Whatever comes to mind-today's Coaching Concept is: Strong Roots Make The Strongest Trees. 🌲 

Whatever life's challenges are-navigating your course is easier when you have Strong Roots.

You'll always be able to accomplish quite a bit on your own, but to go Next Level-2 things you'll REQUIRE-is community and God.

Your community should be made of people who share your VALUE SYSTEM.

It's equally as important for you to ensure your value system is rooted in Truth. This is where God comes in. 

Everything in life is subject to interpretation, so it's paramount that you have a Due North on your moral compass from which to calibrate your Navigation System. For me, I've found that Due North to be God-learning who He is, and his outline for living a beautiful life. 

In today's world, it's easy to get off course and feel like you're galaxies away from a life of fulfillment. 

I PROMISE YOU-with Strong Roots, you're closer than you think, and often moments away from realizing your dream. 

Stay Prayed Up and ask God to surround you with God-fearing people who share your value system, and to create in you a clean heart that is ready to receive it. 

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