Take Off Your Cement Shoes

champion coaching entrepreneur faith goals god inspiration leadership lifestyle mindset success Nov 21, 2018

Can you imagine what it'd be like to wear Cement Shoes?

How long would it take you to get out of bed in the morning?

How fast could you run?

Even scarier...if you went swimming, how quickly would you sink?

You get the visual, right?  It'd be so painstaking to be hauling those things around...and in certain cases, LETHAL.

Cement Shoes show up in all of our lives from time to time.

You wonder why you're not making any progress or why you're feeling miserable; more times than not-you're toting around Cement Shoes.

Things like limiting beliefs, jealousies, insecurities or even trying to "fit in" are all types of Cement Shoes that keep us from stepping into our greatness.

What would it be like if you took them off and ran free?

How much easier would it be for you to swim without them?

At the end of the day, Cement Shoes do nothing but lead you to a slow and painful death.  They suck the joy out of life, keep you stuck and unable to move, and eventually cause you to sink.

Every morning we wake up we are GIFTED with a new day.

And every day, we have a choice:  develop our gifts and live each moment to the max to serve others in the best possible way or sit there wearing Cement Shoes.  

Step out of your Cement Shoes (which probably don't match your outfit anyway!) and Into Your Power.

Embrace Your Awesomeness!  God does't make junk-He made you and gave you your gifts on purpose!


Stayed Prayed Up and Make It Happen!

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