The Decision To Rise: A 9/11 Tribute

Sep 11, 2019

Do You Remember Where You Were 18 Years Ago?

Do you remember what a beautiful morning it was, and how beautiful the sky was?

Do you remember the shock, the horror, the fear, the feeling of helplessness and not knowing what to expect next?

Do you remember how QUIET Our Country became, as life as we knew it came to a screeching halt and we were all hanging on moment by moment?

Do you remember the heart-wrenching sights and stories?

Do you remember how strangers helped one another in the white chalky fog?

Do you remember September 12th?

Do you remember that amidst devastation, how every piece of BS became completely IRRELEVANT-and Our Country came together to love, to heal and to rise?

The decision to rise is just that- a DECISION.

And you’ve got to know that no matter how bad the hurt, how bad they did you, how much of a beating you took-HEALING is possible.

And it’s not only possible-it’s INEVITABLE when you choose to forgive.

Forgiveness doesn’t make you weak. It doesn’t mean that you condone certain behavior.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person/s or reconciliation of a relationship.

Forgiveness has to do with you, and CHOOSING to properly posture your heart.

But forgiveness cannot occur with a tightly bridled “Never Forget” gusto.

Forgiveness can only occur in The Light with the willingness to let that Light in.

One thing in life is certain: There’s always going to be STORMS.

Whether they’re self-imposed, they’re a result of others’ reckless behavior, or intentional acts-It’s not IF $#!+ is going to happen; it’s WHEN.

And when you’re going through it, it flat out sucks.

When you’re dealing with the hurt, the pain, and the mess which accompanies the fallout; it can feel like you’re void of oxygen, like you can’t keep your head above water and are literally drowning.

But you CAN stop the downward spiral.

You CAN Course Correct.

You CAN forgive.

You CAN heal.

You CAN post up and rise up better, wiser, brighter and stronger than before.

Commit to your healing process and rest with firm faith that with commitment, your Victory is inevitable.

So on this day, Our 18th Day Of Remembrance; as well as for the other 364 days of our year, we invite you to step into a higher version of yourself and focusing on properly posturing your heart through FORGIVENESS.

God Bless each and every one of you, and God Bless America.  

Love always,

Your Friends and Coaches at the Transformation Gold Coaching and Training Academy

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