The Key To Moving Forward

#champion #inspiration #mindset #success Nov 06, 2018

The Key To Moving Forward- as an individual, as a Family, as a Team, Organization, Community, etc is to DECIDE that you’re moving forward. 

And that happens the moment you raise your standards, and DECIDE that living in  Survival Mode no longer serves you.   

Don't you think it's time to upgrade from surviving to THRIVING?

To not have to settle for "just enough," in love, in your physical fitness or even in your finances?

Now's the time to get out of your own way and get IN the game.  It's time to take action!

Leadership is ACTION oriented.

Culture change is ACTION oriented.

Growth is ACTION oriented.

Results are ACTION oriented. 

Age is of no issue. 

Your current situation is of no issue.

What matters is where you’re going. 

Here's an important question to ask yourself:  6 months from now, where do you want to be?  What sort of relationships do you want?  How much money do you want to make each month?  What new athletic gainz do you want to achieve?  What places do you want to see?  How do you want to be spending your time?

Here's a little Iron vs Iron Coaching to give you that extra nudge of truth:  At the end of the day, you can either have what you want or the reasons why you don’t.


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