The Secret To Rapid Transformation Is Immersion

Sep 16, 2019

Transformation happens MUCH FASTER and at a much deeper level when you IMMERSE YOURSELF in the respective area.

Immersion means you place yourself in the environments with people who are striving for the same thing, people who share the same beliefs, think similarly, demonstrate the qualities or the levels of excellence you want to have, etc.

All of your senses must be involved, too.  You've got to see all the sights, smell all the smells, hear all the sounds, taste all the tastes, and feel all the tactical feels, and most importantly, allow yourself to experience and feel all of the emotional feels.    

You eat it, drink it, read it, listen to it, practice it, sleep it so that your whole entire self is completely IMMERSED in it.

That combination of being fully IMMERSED coupled with the FEELINGS you experience changes you on the INSIDE.  It literally changes your physiology, changes your state, and helps you to rewire your brain so that you BECOME a different person PERMANENTLY. 

It's at that point that regression to former habits, ways of life, beliefs and/or thought patterns simply doesn't happen.  It's practically impossible because you've rewired and created new neural pathways, placed yourself on a different energetic frequency, and have had breakthroughs where you learn new info and see things from a completely different Vantage Pointe.   

It applies to everything-your view of your current situation, what got you here and what's possible for yourself; your relationships; your finances; your health and fitness; and your Purpose/Contributions to the World. 

Here at The Transformation Gold Coaching and Training Academy, we are working fast and furious to create an immersive on-demand experience for you.  We know that Transition Pointes don't always happen during business hours, or at opportune times. 

We also know that as you Navigate Your Transition, you may not have an established Inner Circle yet and that your Social Circle/Support System is changing and/or non-existent.

Every one of us has been there, and we never want you to feel alone on your journey or tempted to regress and realign with the $#!+ you've outgrown, or that which no longer serves you.   

As the founder of this Academy, I made the executive decision to offer Coaching and Trainings in a way that offers 24/7 access and eliminates all excuses. 

We've got something for everyone-Products and Services that are suitable for all levels, are offered on a variety of different Social Platforms/On-Demand Programs and at different price points. 

Additionally, we are able to scale everything from the individual to the group/team or Agency/Corporate Level. 

AND if that wasn't enough, we've even built in a ROBUST COMPEN$ATION PLAN FOR AFFILIATE$ so that you can make money, EARN WHILE YOU LEARN and develop your own KICK-A$$ team!   

The opportunity is there.  Whether you choose to dive in and take advantage of those opportunities is 100% up to you. 

You are always in the Driver's Seat of your Personal/Professional Transformation.  You always have the choice to press the accelerator or lean on the brake.  CHOOSE POWERFULLY. 


Your Coach- Nichole DeVincentis, aka @FigureChick911

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