A Beautiful Transformation

Sep 20, 2017

Have you ever watched a butterfly breaking out of its chrysalis?

I have no idea if insects feel pain or not-but Wow!  It looks painful, and it takes a long time. 

One might be tempted to take a little pair of scissors, snip open the chrysalis and help the butterfly along.  But, did you know that the process of breaking out of its shell is necessary to develop the butterfly's wings?

The pressure that the butterfly experiences as it squeezes through that little opening forces fluid from its body into the wings; making them functional.  He becomes strong and is able to fly. 

Without that pressure, he's stuck.  

He's no longer a caterpillar.  

At the same time, he can't function as a butterfly because his wings don't work.

Ultimately, less pressure through his "rebirthing experience" from the chrysalis actually harmed him.

That's the thing about transformation.  It's a rebirthing experience of sorts, which can be difficult at points, but when you come out the other side, you are stronger and more beautiful than ever before.  

Trust the process and go through it.  Others have done it, you can too.


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