When You're Done, You're Done

#champion #goals #lifestyle #strategiccoachingsession #success Sep 11, 2017

Have you ever woke up one day and were just "done"?

Like, you're a nurse, and you're just so done with having ridiculously dry hands, running your culo off like a bafoon, and trying to keep up with the COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS of our Customers (formerly known as "Patients") and the Organization for which you work?

I get it.

Or maybe you've been raising a family and living in the same neighborhood for the past umpteen years-or even working in corporate for that matter- and are just done with the catty gossip, and want some new, healthy and vibrant relationships.

I completely get it. (why do you think I work for myself now?  lol)

We all walk different walks of life.  We all have different experiences and perspectives.  We all know one thing:  When You're Done, You're Done.

So whaddaya do when you're "done"?  Shave off your hair, buy the new car, and drive around flipping off everyone?

We all laugh, but we've seen it happen, right?  One day, that seemingly quiet person just damn near lost their mind, and basically torched their entire life to start anew.

Here's what I know (and remember, I come from an ER background--I saw this loooooong before I started coaching individuals).  Everyone handles things differently.  There are some people, who honest to God, wait until their situation reaches such a critical mass, that they just can't take it anymore and snap.  

They are the living, breathing version of the "rip-the-band-aid-off technique."  Ironically enough, they end up instigating the very toxicity they're trying to escape, and create a path of destruction along the way.

It doesn't always have to be so volatile.  You can still make RIDICULOUS progress, COMPLETELY transform your situation and recreate yourself without ripping through everything like a bull in a china shop.

What's best, is that you can absolutely build an entirely new life for yourself, and have fun while you do it!  Yeah, sure, there's some $#!+ you're gonna have to clean up, some alternate ways of thinking and new habits to acquire; but I promise you:  whatever temporary discomfort there is, it's completely worth it.

It's not only possible; it's doable!


Guess What?  You've already started.  That level of frustration that woke you up this morning, accompanied by that not-so-quiet voice that said, "I'm done."  That's the tipping point.  That's the "Houston, We Have A Problem..."

First, let me be the first to say, "Congratulations!  Welcome to your own personal Renaissance! Happy Birthday to You!"

Yes, this is a great thing!

For those of you to whom that is a big relief and you're already lined up with what you want to do--it's Go-Time!  We'll see you on the "other side."

For those of you who are both elated and freaked out (as evidenced by your sitting there with wide eyes and a perma-seal grin) you're probably asking yourself, "So now what?"

I'm gonna turn that question right around back atcha and ask you, "What is it that you WANT?"



Clarity of goals determines order of priorities.  You're gonna continue to sit there confused, overwhelmed and stuck until you GET CRYSTAL CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT.

You're an intelligent person.  If you've read all the way down to this point, you ARE SEEKING THE NEXT STEP.  


Nichole is the Champion's Coach, and has been coaches  people just like you get the mental clarity you deserve, bust through your plateau of overwhelm and move IMMEDIATELY into action towards attainment of your goal; ALL IN A 90 MINUTE PHONE CALL.

At the end of the day, you can either have what you want, or the reasons why you don't.  This is a no-brainer.  Isn't your life worth a 90 minute investment?



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