BE The Light

Oct 08, 2019

In our previous Blog Post, we talked about “Following The Light.” (CLICK HERE FOR THAT POST)

Today, we're taking our game to the Next Level.  Today, it’s about integrating what you've learned as a follower and stepping up as a leader to BECOME the Light.

As a Leader, it’s about BEING the Light so that the people you influence will have the Guiding Light in front of them as a model to follow. 

Can we all agree that no matter what, there’s going to be seasons in life-personally and professionally when things just aren't hunky dory?

And can we all agree, there’s gonna be times when things ARE going well, but the people around us are not experiencing the upside  themselves? 

And times when all it takes is one person to start a $#!+ storm of negativity-and an ENTIRE group follows in suit-further perpetuating the chaos, negativity and drama?

Regardless of the Season which you find yourself in or witness others to be in, you must commit to your path of BECOMING the light and allowing it to shine.

No, you won’t always be happy.

No, life certainly will not always be easy.

Sometimes you make the wrong moves, or are just beginning your Journey-and the road is rough. 

In all of these times, that’s when your Faith comes in.  Faith that God designed you in a very unique way, and gave you GIFTS.  ON PURPOSE. 

When you are operating in your Gifts; that Joy, that LIGHT comes shooting out of you like a beacon-even when times are less than optimal. 

It does not matter what other people are doing.

It does not matter your current situation.

Leadership is first and foremost about Self-Governance, and being on the lookout for the best interest of the other person. 

You never know what other people are going through, who’s at their wits end, who is looking for a role model, teammate or leader to assist in stepping out of their situation. 

This is why we talk about Leadership as self-governance BEFORE it’s utilized an influential tool.

Leadership always starts by Leading Yourself First.  That's why Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." 

It starts with you-Be The Light. 

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